Monday, October 4, 2010


I need to be more dedicated.... i seem to be coming across all talk and no action
So i figure that if I state my goals online I will feel more obliged to achieve them (so i hope)

febuary the 1st 2011
My main goals is to be healthy and fit, along the way I would be quite please if i lost 15kg (this is the relatrionship weight i put on)
I would love to be able to run 5k and not feel out of breath
I would love to feel like my insides are healthy and my immune system can kick ass!
I want to have mini holidays, weekends away, so i can feel like im really living life!
I want to surround myself with gorgeous friends that i can have amazing  memories with
and most importantly I want to be HAPPY!!!!!

now the hard part, how to acheive them,
-so this is my 2nd week on lite n easy, i kinda failed in the first week with small snacks in between
but today is day 1 of being dedicated
so far today i have had two peices of soy and linseed toast with vegemite, strawberries, bread roll with ham tomatoe and chees, organge and cheese and corn muffin. lots of water and a shot of coffee. 
I plan to go for a run well technically i plan to start C25K today for the millionith time but im sticking with it this time.
 You would all be happy to know I have invested in some garnier fake tan, and started using that last night, its a gradual one.

So count down is on for my birthday week. yes you read right week. i decided to entitle myself to a week long birthday after the shit Ive been through I figured I deserve it.
I really need to start tracking these goals, maybe I will make Monday Goal day. The day i report in LOL.

now back to boring old work.....



  1. Don't give up Jade! You CAN and you WILL do it. Tell yourself this EVERY DAY. x

  2. Good Luck!! You just need to win the battle with yourself :)
